Gum Lifts & Reshaping Adelaide

Just like the structure of your bones and shape of your nose, your gum line is unique to you.

Your gum line might sit high upon your teeth and appear straight, or it might sit lower and appear uneven.

While the shape of a person’s gum line is unlikely to cause medical or functional issues, it can cause self-consciousness and low self-esteem.

If you have a gummy smile, you may feel as though you want to hide your teeth and gums. You might smile closed-mouthed or cover your mouth when you speak.

Fortunately, there is a treatment that helps to reshape your gum line to help balance your tooth-to-gum ratio.

This treatment is known as gum contouring or laser contouring.

Most of the time, people seek gum contouring for aesthetic reasons, though in rare cases your dentist may recommend the procedure to address functional problems.

At Dental Boutique, we believe that everyone deserves a smile they can feel proud of. Our gum contouring service in Adelaide can help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.

What is Laser Gum Contouring? Our Adelaide Dentists Explain

Cosmetic gum contouring, or laser gum contouring, is a dental procedure that reworks your gum line.

The treatment involves removing or restoring gum tissue to improve the appearance of your smile.

While some clinics use scalpels, at Dental Boutique Adelaide, we utilise laser gum contouring technology. This allows for quicker healing.

During your treatment, our expert dentists will rework your gum line so that it naturally complements your smile.

Gum contouring can be completed on its own or it may be required prior to another cosmetic procedure, like porcelain veneers or dental bonding.

Gum Contouring Adelaide | Recovery Time

Laser gum contouring at our Adelaide clinic requires minimal recovery time. Closely following your dentists instructions and taking care of your teeth and gums will speed up recovery.

Most people are able to resume regular activities the day after treatment and you can expect to be fully healed after 10 days.

At Dental Boutique Adelaide, gum contouring is completed under local anaesthetic, so you can safely drive yourself home after the procedure.

You may experience sore, swollen or sensitive gums in the days following your gum contouring procedure. You can take over-the-counter pain medication to relieve pain, but steer clear of aspirin-based medications as these can increase bleeding.

You can also apply ice packs to reduce swelling.

In the first few days after your procedure, opt for soft and cold foods like ice cream, yoghurt, eggs and soft vegetables.

Avoid foods that are spicey or contain seeds as they can irritate your gums and extend your recovery time.

Our Adelaide Gum Contouring Clinic

At our award-winning Dental Boutique clinic in Adelaide, we believe in creating beautiful smiles that are naturally unique.

Our team of dental ceramists and cosmetic artisans work tirelessly to craft exceptional smiles that improve the lives of our patients.

With more than 20,000 smile makeovers under our belts, we’ve refined our techniques and processes to ensure outstanding results, everytime.

You’ll work closely with our team to ensure your smile exceeds your expectations. We’ll discuss your concerns and smile aspirations with you and create a custom digital smile design and treatment plan to suit your needs.

We understand that dental procedures can be incredibly exciting and daunting at the same time. We’re here to help you feel confident and we have different options available to ensure your experience is comfortable from start to finish.

Gum Contouring Cost in Adelaide

We’re passionate about dentistry because we believe everyone deserves to feel confident in their smile.

However, we understand that for many people, costs can get in the way of receiving proper dental care.

That’s why we offer payment plans starting from just $50 per week. You’ll have the opportunity to get your treatment sooner and pay later.

The cost of gum contouring at our Adelaide clinic will depend on a few factors, for example the position of your gum line, the amount of work required and the materials used.

For detailed pricing information, please get in touch with us below.

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Gum Contouring Surgery at Adelaide Dental Boutique

If you’re looking for gum contouring treatment in Adelaide, visit our highly-skilled team at Dental Boutique.

We are here to help you achieve the smile of your dreams, ensuring you’re comfortable, confident and empowered through the whole process.

You can get in touch with us to learn more about gum contouring and our Adelaide practice.


Dental Boutique Adelaide

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 9:00 am — 5:30 pm

Saturday: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm

Sunday: Closed

Call Us Get In Touch

Dental Boutique Adelaide - Your Dental Practice of Choice

Experience & Care

With years of experience in providing gum contouring in Adelaide, we ensure your experience is professional and relaxing at the highest level to achieve the best possible results.

One-Stop Dental Care

Our highly qualified dental team delivers the most comprehensive dentistry all under one roof, without the need to travel elsewhere.

Flexible Payment Plans

Dental Boutique offers a number of flexible payment plan options and gum lift costs to suit most budgets, so you can get started with treatment now and pay later.

Gum Contouring Before And Afters

We’re dedicated to showing our patients the significance of their transformation. That’s why we’ve collated a list of Gum Contouring before and afters. Check it out!

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Have More Questions?

We invite you to experience our no obligation cosmetic smile assessment to help guide, educate and confirm if Gum Contouring is right for you. Our friendly and highly trained team are passionate and meticulous about creating beautiful and lasting smiles

Due to our extensive experience and knowledge, we would discuss all the different options available to you in your unique situation. We believe in supporting our clients in all the decision they make and tailor their treatment to suit each individual’s budget and lifestyle. Each member of our team is committed to serving you, so please don’t hesitate to ask us anything.

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